Saturday, December 20, 2014

My Reality

Hello Everyone

As much as I want to believe everyone is nice in the world, the Reality is Everyone isn't. They are the main one's that act like they are the nicest people but actually are the one's messed up inside. So I'm growing out of my naive state of mind it have taken me longer than I expected but at long as I am willing and open to learning more about myself which helps me learn how to deal with others, I believe is great progress. There are so many personalities in the world not just Good or Bad but all types. And everyone don't have your best interest at heart even when they act like they do. Those are the one's you have to watch closely. People who aren't Honest, the one's that don't keep it Real. I understand how I pick the people I socialize with now. They are the one's that will speak there mind, so have filters the others no filter (lol) others are smart they use there brains and have common sense with goals of becoming more successful and better in their lifetime. I need people like this around me, Like minded individuals around me :-) So with that said I'm grateful for the True, Keep it 100 friends I have, I'm Extremely Blessed.

 You all have a Great Day :-)

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Hello Everyone 

Happy Wednesday

I have been working on getting my Life in Order which is very important for my Mental Clarity. I am writing about Stress today because with all the changes going on around me I have been really experiencing stress. I am working on ways daily to reduce my stress levels and the areas I know are triggering it. I recently went back to work and I am in a different department. I have to learn new people, material, and of course situations. I have learned I am not one who like change so much but I do embrace it because that's just part of life. Everyday is a New day so that means it's different already.

I have learned that the best ways for me to reduce stress is Yoga, Mediation, Making Bracelets which I have on my website:, pottery which I'm excited to be getting back to and finally Cosmetology. I'm currently on break from school but that one of the other things I have a strong interest in. I like to stay busy and be creative and that's why I do so many projects. I feel like I need to stay busy and productive. I slow down when I feel I need a break, I love spas, messages, natural environments that make me feel one with the Universe. When I focus on good things, energy and vibes it's like my soul gets a cleanse in that moment and It's so beautiful.

I hope you all have a Marvelous Day 
LoveLife and All that it has to Offer :-)
& Remember to Smile "It's Free"

Saturday, December 13, 2014


Hello Everyone

Today I'm writing about how I feel my life is in Major Transition. Recently I have come into a Understanding and Acceptance of My Bipolar Disorder more and more. I know this is my Reality and I have choosen to take whatever steps necessary for me to Overcome this and Not let it Overcome me. My Therapist made a Great point last week when she said to me, "You have to work Twice as Hard" and I do. I have so many moments throughout the day when I want to give up on myself. When I Utilize my Positive Affirmations to help keep me on track. These is what I consider my form of medication because it helps me better than a pill. I mentioned before having this blog and being able to write about how I'm feeling and what's going on wit me. Is one of my positive coping skills, I'm extremely grateful. 

 My YouTube Chanel . All these things are what helps me be able to push through each day. To promote positivity and believing it, truely becoming positive more and more each day makes things a little easier for me to handle things and when I begin to shift out of my happy place I have to regroup and center myself. Until I master my skills, I will practice them until I consider myself perfect in my own understanding.

You All Have A Wonderful Day ;-)

Friday, December 12, 2014

Positive Coping Skills

Hello Everyone 


I was off work for 2 months until last week and during my time off work, I sent each day  working on getting myself back together. I wasn't my normal functioning self. I began looking into Positive Meditation and Positive Affirmations. So I began practicing my Gratitude,Positive Thinking, I thoughts to myself why not give this a try and see how it work for me. And her I am back to Work, I continue my weekly Therapy Sessions, beginning to go to Support Group. I began applying Laws of Attraction to my daily life. I graduated from Partial a Psychiatric Day Program where I went Mon-Fri from 9a-3p on October 20, 2014. The activities we did where group therapy, recreational therapy and mediation sessions and coping skills. One important thing I learned was to apply Positive Coping Skills to my life to help reduce depression. 

I make Bracelets which I also consider one of my Coping Skills which are on my website under the My Store Page My Website:, My YouTube Chanel: and My Instagram:  and this Blog are all ways I can express myself and be an inspiration to someone else living with Bipolar Disorder or Depression. I also learned that I need a balance in order to function in everyday life. Society alone is difficult to live in but with consistently working on myself ,everyday have it's challenges but I work them out by re centering myself and making more rational decisions.

You All Have an Amazing Day :-)

Thursday, December 11, 2014


Hello Everyone

Happy Thursday

I want to talk about Support today, It's been on my Mind recently. Everyday I wake up I instantly began applying my Laws of Attraction with Gratitude. I speak out loud on what I'm Grateful for which is My Life, Health, Family, Friends, Job, My Creative Mind & the list can go on. Than I ask my Guardian Angels to Protect Me and My family and friends through our travels and throughout our days. Then I listen to my mediation recording, that's how my immediate morning begin each day. And when I reflect on my life, I have to give Thanks to everyone who do Support me.

With My Bipolar Disorder it's very important to me that I stay focused on my Goals and maintain a Positive mentality to avoid going into depression. One thing I know for sure is Our thoughts become things, so My Thoughts are to know and believe My Dreams Are Reality :-)

I have an Amazing Fiance' whom words can't describe how Fantastic he truely is. He have accepted me for me from day 1. He have helped me grow into acceptance of myself on many levels. I love him Unconditionally Everyday and I'm Extremely Grateful to be Blessed with Him, I Love You Unka :-)

My Family show me the most amazing support and I am absolutely Grateful for them as well. They stand behind me and encourage me to move forward and they know My Heart is always in a Good place and I Love each and Everyone One of them and Trust Me it's A Whole Lot of Them. I Love You All. 

My Friends are Super Awesome, I consider them to be my extended Family. I have 4 Best Friends, it was 3 but within the last year I obtained an additional 1. I Love my Besties like Sisters each one hold a special place in my Heart and They are all going Maids of Honor in my Wedding. I Love You Girls 

Support is Extremely Important to have with having Bipolar Disorder. People that show you unconditional love and geniuely care about your well being makes a big difference with your diagnosis. 

Here are a List of Support Groups that make help,if you need additional Support.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


You Can Follow Me On:

Hello Everyone

"To Have Unwavering Faith"-Lisa Nicholas

Lisa Nicholas is a motivational speaker and she was in the movie "The Secret". Along with Bob Proctor, I watched the movie twice once before I had my manic episode and again after I got home from the hospital. Watching this movie made me realize a lot of things, but most of all it made me realize I can and will have everything I want. Patience is your Faith: complete trust or confidence in someone or something. We can have anything we want, But we have to believe our faith allow things time to manifest so they can come to us. It happens everyday. We just need to be aware and allow things to happen.

 My laws of attraction are amazing because I can see something, hear something or something I was thinking about will appear. It's really cool, just like magic. My last manic episode was so amazing for me mentally, I understand now why everyone was worried. I was so High Mentally I was beyond the clouds in the sky. I was creating my own Heaven in a way it was knew for me as well. Learning to understand my life with this bipolar disorder is interesting. One thing I know for sure helps is maintaining my Faith. I always have faith that things will work out and get back on track and sure enough it may take some time but it always happen.

My Life with Bipolar Disorder can be Rewarding and Humbling I am proud of myself. I believe I am a Spiritual Being in Human Form. So if that makes me Weird or Different, I'm So Cool with that. 

Love Life Everyday, Some Days may be Better than Others, but that's okay. Plan to have a Better one tomorrow. 

Sunday, December 7, 2014


Hello Everyone

I decided to write about Growth today because that is the process I'm currently in. After recently coming into Acceptance of being diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. I was diagnosed 3 years ago and choose not to accept it. After this recent manic episode I experienced, I decided I needed to educate myself and grow an acceptance this time around. 

I believe we grow as human beings everyday, we can learn something new in this game of life in every moment, encounter and experience we have. I am growing into my acceptance of my diagnose everyday. My decision to began this blog my You Tube Chanel all derived from my latest hospital stay. I felt the desire to want to be pro active about my situation.

Growing patience, understanding, humility and most of all Growing to know Myself. Accepting who I am and Owning it. I continue to think positively and utilize my coping skills which I consider to be (My Laws of Attraction) to be inspirational to others so they too can use their voice. Every individual have Rights to be who they are and everything they want to be without being ashamed of it

GROW to Love, Cherish, Protect, and Be Yourself. Despite what anyone else says: You are Amazing
You are Beautiful, You are Awesome, You are Talented, You are a King, You are a Queen and know that You are Worth It, Just Do You
Have An Amazing Day :-)

"Denial to Acceptance Video"

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Saturday, December 6, 2014

Bipolar Disorder 1

Hello Everyone

Today is like a Re-Birthday for me. I decided moving forward I will be using my blog as a online journal about My Life with Bipolar Disorder as well as Laws of Attraction. I am stepping on the other side of normal and making a huge decision to share some really interesting things with you all about the experiences I've had with my having bipolar disorder. I was Diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder 3 years ago after spending 2 weeks on a Psychiatric Ward in a Jamaican Hospital. I will talk more about Jamaica at a later time for now I will share the definition of Bipolar Disorder.

Bipolar Disorder: is A Mental Disorder marked by alternating periods of Elation and Depression.

That defines me exactly, I have experienced both Elation and Depression. And without medication to regulate my symptoms I have gone deeply into depression and high levels of Elation (To make proud or joyful).

I'm choosing to share my story because when I was in the Mental Hospital recently for a Manic Episode, directly following my engagement at Mackinac City,MI. I couldn't understand why I was there, All I knew was I was happy which I felt was normal considering my awesome engagement. At the time I could not understand why I had to go to a Mental Hospital as a result of being too HAPPY.

Although, while I was in there I occupied my time by coloring, writing, making vision boards, continuous positive thoughts and realizing I wanted to do these all the time. I wanted to continue having positive thoughts majority of the the time and not allow negative thoughts take over. I wanted to continue to writing which I did a lot when I was younger and over time it melted away. I began writing about what happen on the way to Jamaica what happen while I was there and what lead to my Manic Episode that landed my 2 weeks alone on a Psych Ward

My Recent Vision Boards

I began a YouTube Chanel shortly after my recent Episode, although when I began the Chanel I just wanted to share all the happy moments I have experienced and had recorded throughout the last 3 years.

Now that I am gaining more of a understanding of what's going on with me. I want to share what My Life is like living w/Mental Illness and I choose to have a Positive Awareness of my Bipolar Disorder and Have Control of My Life Journey :-)

My YouTube Chanel is (Channelle Leigh) here is the link Today I posted my first video of The Introduction of My Life w/Bipolar Disorder. My goal is help inspire others to LoveLife (Enjoy Your Life) just because one is diagnosed with Mental Illness doesn't mean the world is over. It means you have to be even more responsible for yourself and have control of your life. While telling my story in the with you all, I choose Happiness and that's where Laws of Attraction come in.

Laws of Attraction (Positive Thoughts Always)

Everyone have an Amazing Day*
Leave A Comment and Share if you Like*

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Hello Everyone

I was thinking of what I define the word KIND to be and I began to think of other words such as gentle, soft, sweet, giving, and loving. Those are a few that come to mind, so I thought it would be nice to write about what I consider KIND to be. There are many times throughout the day our kindness can be tested (I believe it's as a small personality test). In which I believe this is how we grow and learn from different situations. As well as teaching us how to use our good perception on different situations in life. 

I think one of the best ways to keep yourself in check, just when your about to jump over the edge, is to simple say to yourself "I'm a much better person than this". While at least trying to remain calm, cool and collected. Again, whatever the scenario it can work in any matter. To be kind to someone else by doing something from the heart with good intention is a reward within itself. Always Be Kind to Yourself and Always Be Kind to Others. One thing I know for sure "when you plant a seed and water it, it will Grow". 

Have An Amazing Day
From Me: Nelle  

As you can see I Love taking photos..LOL (It's one of my many passions)

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Hello Everyone

I enjoy talking, writing and thinking about Happiness, simply do to how some Amazing it makes me feel. Happiness put Smiles on faces and a Wonderful feeling inside. Smiles truly are contagious and believe it or not so is Happiness. Everyone wants those two things in their lives. It provides what I call a nearly "Unexplainable High". It's in our DNA to desire the experience of Freedom, Joy and Happiness. You begin to realize you can conquer virtually anything possible and the Good News is You Can

 I began blogging because it's a Great way for me to express myself through writing. I also thought this is a Great way to inspire others to pursue their dreams, goals and life aspirations. I believe one can do anything they put there mind to doesn't matter how small or large. It can be done! I have already decided to pursue my goals and dreams and I have seen doors begin to open for me. I begin each day with positive mental clarity about life and the Universe it shapes my reality to ensure I have a safe, productive and positive day. I consider Happiness a Blissful state of mind that everyone should be able to experience and enjoy. It's like how I felt when I experience my first bullet (sex toy). I was felt like every woman must experience this it is absolutely amazing. It even inspired me to start selling sex toys. :-) 

 And it's the same concept with applying Laws of Attraction and Believing in Yourself. Happiness is a state of mind everyone should want to be in. My life haven't been the same in the most positive way I can express it. 

Love Life, Enjoy Your Days, Pursue Your Passions, And Be Free. Everyone have the ability to do it. You just have to Believe in Yourself and watch what happens. Doors will open and they will Open Wide. 

Saturday, November 29, 2014


Hello Everyone

Happy Saturday ;-)
 Family is on my mind today. I would like to start by saying Family is one of the most important fibers of my being. I have always loved my family and I always will. Family for me should be considered a small community of people that Love, Support, Protect and Uplift one another. I have a large family they are the "Gill's".

I have noticed this for a while now and It have been on my heart my family have become so divided. I am so curious as to why this is happening to my family. Our generations are fading0 further and further apart, and it really does break my heart. 

One thing I believe for sure is that, If you want change you will be apart of making a change. And if you don't then you will remain the same and change will never come for you. But to take responsibility for yourself takes individual courage and belief in yourself and I can only imagine how powerful we all can be if each of us collectively as a family, became more accountable for our actions. The things we can do, The changes we can make would blow our minds. 

"The Gill Family Reunion 2012"
  The Children Are Our Future 
That's Me with the White Sunvisor On... LOL

I Love My Family and I know things Will Get Better and we all will Come Back Together and Remember what Family really Means: To Love, Support, Protect and Uplift. We have to believe that and We have to know that, Money come and Go, But Family is Always Forever.

" My Family"
See No One Is Perfect, We all Look Cray Cray in This Photo...LOL

Thursday, November 27, 2014


Hello Everyone

Happy Thanksgiving Thursday 

Gratitude is one of the Best Things you can do for yourself. When you can take the time to be thankful and grateful for who you are and where you are it helps you to remember how far you've come and where your going. Everyday is a Blessing rather it's bad or good. I just want to say I'm thankful for My Life. I Love My Life as well as My Fiance, Our families and Friends we love them all very much.

This have been an amazing year for me and our friends. We Got Engaged at Mackinaw City this past Fall 2014. My mother and brother got new jobs, My best friend was promoted to a new position, My other best friend became a mother, My fiance best friend graduated, got a new job and new car. And we went on our first couples trip in Pigeon Forge,TN. There where so many blessings...I'm sure I forgot some of them, I just wanted to list a few.

My Aunt made two made to desserts for thanksgiving and I thought they looked good. So she allowed me to post pics on my blog.     

 "Death by Chocolate"
"Punch Bowl Cake"

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Hello Everyone

Today I'm going to write about how I begin my day. The very First thought I have when I wake up is "Think Positive". When I look up on my way wall, The first words I see is
 "Be Positive". A couple weeks ago I decided I wanted to write down some Positive Affirmations I can look at anytime want. 

Throughout the day I'm always saying positive things to myself in my mind and the more I think it, say it, see it. I just begin to believe it more and more everyday it's a wonderful feeling. 
 You see I Love myself very much and because I'm so In love with myself, I feel capable to help inspire others to Grow within themselves and Expand their Awareness as well.

My Goal is to help people through my blog of Positive Inspiration. That's It!
Take some time today to watch my YouTube Chanel: Channelle Leigh. My Goal for YouTube is to inspire others via video to simply Love Life and Enjoy All that it have to Offer :-)

    *Leave A Comment Below. Share Your Thoughts!
*Thank You In Advance

Have An Amazing Day!


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

My Very First Post :-)

Hello Everyone,

 Welcome to Channelle Leigh Blog Spot. You can call me "Nelle"

I'm excited to begin this new venture of Blogging and Be able to have a Online Journal. I'm sure its going to be very therapeutic for me and hopefully for you all as well. I titled my very first post Laws of Attraction because that is what have lead me to this point of even creating a blog. I post a positive message nearly everyday on my Instagram page: Channelle Leigh. I do that because the things I want to attracted  Positive things into my life 100 % of the time. Positive Affirmations, Pictures, Quotes whatever it takes. I begin my day putting positive vibes, words and thoughts into the universe so that I can have a Great Day and allow open opportunities flow my way. :-)

This is the photo I posted on Instagram Today: Doesn't it make you feel Good ;-)

*What Are Your Thoughts On Laws of Attraction?
*Do You know What Laws of Attraction Mean?
Please Share your Thoughts or Ask Any Question Below in The Comment Box. Thank You :-)