Monday, June 29, 2015


We all have Limitless Potential in each of us. I embrace the idea, after all everything is an idea virtually everything. Our thoughts are things that we don't even think about sometime. Now that I've become more of a conscious thinker my world continues to expand. Using your brain is something people have taken for granted. I enjoy new discoveries on my journey so I'm learning to embrace these changes and allow myself to simply Enjoy life without Regret and Fear.

Saturday, June 27, 2015


I have been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder 1. I have a video on you tube where I speak about my experience here's the link Recently I had been dealing with some episodes that landed me in the hospital twice. This caused me to have to put my entire life on hold. My Wedding, Blog, YouTube Videos, Work at the hospital. My entire life, so I needed some time to get things back on track and I'm proud to say I was able to snap back and get it together. It took some time and I like to say I'm a work in progress daily, I'm striving to always be a better version of myself. That's my Personal Goal so I was able to get back to making my Videos which I enjoy doing just as much as blogging. So I truly believe in the saying "Love what you do and you'll never work a day in your Life". So I have my most recent video explaining what I had to deal with and my outlook on it.


Learning can be so fun and exciting. The process of learning,discovering, expanding yourself is wonderful. I feel a large part of life is all about discovering new things. I have recently discovered new ways to go about my own journey. Learning that my time is always my present moment and that's what really matters. Everything else just falls into the category of the past. Living is an Amazing Gift.Everyone we have we should be Grateful in it. And have an undoubted Appreciation for Everything. Nelle- Love Light, Love Life

My Thoughts

I am an open book, I love expressing myself. Especially when I realize something I was completely blind to. The more I write and read what I write the more Inspired I become. When I was a young girl I use to write so so soo much, It was one of my favorite things to do. So to be an adult and have this blog it gives me the oppurtunity to write like I use to but it feels even better now. I find time everyday working on my blog in some way shape or form. Mostly because I truly enjoy it and it's like my baby. So I want to nuture and take care of it because it's mine lol. I Love creating things it's been a passion of mine for some years now and only to discover I'm the creator of my own universe is such an amazing discovery. When I say "Mind Blow" and I get to share my Journey with my others that is so awesome to me. So I'm grateful, for everything because I get to be myself and I so love that and my readers here on the blog get to experience it with me and my viewers on youtube as well. One day at a time working on my craft!
Nelle- Love Light, Love Life

Cake Crumb

I love a Good Sweet Treat. I tend to always want to try something or some place new. Not everything but often enough. So as I was leaving one of my favorite places to eat I saw a new place a couple of buildings down. Cake Crumbs. So I went inside to check it out and I just fell in love with this place. I loved everything about it the decorations, the Sweets. They even have a Vegan  Selection. How Awesome is that! And the cupcakes are Yummy. 
Cake Crumb is located at  28569 Northwestern Hwy Southfield,MI 48034

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Out of the Box

My definition of an out of the box thinker. Is a Creative thinker. Expanding the mind  and looking for new exciting things to assist in remaining Original. An individual have to believe in themselves and see their self worth. I Encourage, Inspire and Motivate myself daily. I see the value in myself and so many of us lose sight of our own Value. But I'm here to spark a flame and remind you you are Greatness. We all are Greatness 😃

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


I became a blogger because I was going though a difficult time in my life and one day my friend introduced this idea to me to begin a blog. So I thought to myself "that sound like a good idea" So I began my journey into this blog world and It's growing on me. It brings me great Joy to express myself as well be creative, spread positivity and inspire. But honestly I do it for myself each day I have the opportunity to enhance my soul with the inspiration I share. It is assisting me on my own life journey of becoming a Better version of myself. And I'm truly Grateful for it. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Your Destiny

It's our Birthright to enjoy life. We as Human Beings are fortunate to have this experience called life and so many take it for Granted. The only time in our lives that matter is Now, your present moment. Practice Meditation with Intention and find Inner Peace with yourself and the World around you will become Softer, Lighter, and Easier. Enjoy and Embrace each moment you have for it's our duty to Simply Enjoy Life.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Be Kind to Yourself

Often we can be hard on ourselves.  I've learned it's more beneficial to be softer, kinder & more gentle with yourselves. No single individual is Perfect even if it does appear they have it all. We should Empower, Encourage, Believe and Uplift ourselves. God is always there but We have to place faith in ourselves individually. Despite whatever challenges we may be going through or as I like to say  Growing through because Life is a Growing Process always. Find a way to take time with yourself to love, adore, read, write, draw,  paint create something. Date yourself and see how much fun you have! I look for the Good in things and that's assisting me in becoming a better Woman each day. I also Love and Adore Myself as well as sharing Positivity. 

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Free Your Mind


I love taking pictures of myself. I am a SelfieQueen Lol. When in doubt take a selfie and carry on. When you look good, you feel even better. Pamper yourself, Love and take Care of yourself after all it's your Life. 
Be Yourself, Love Yourself. Originality can carry you far. See the Value in You.  

Friday, June 19, 2015


I'm trying to Impress Channelle, Her thoughts,looks, accomplishments, mind, body and soul are so Important to me that I've decided I'm going to do whatever I can to assure she always notice me. So I teach myself new things, surround myself around like minded people and I stay focused on my life and what makes me Happy. So who is Channelle why is she so Important, she is Important because she make herself a priority. I'm not only Impressed with her I'm in love her. Channelle is Who I am and Proud to be without the approval from anyone else but Me 

Thursday, June 18, 2015


We are the Creators and Controllers of our own Destiny. That's Powerful Knowledge because that means Your the Owner of yourself. Free your Mind, Free your Soul. Be True to Yourself, Love Yourself and Be Kind to Yourself. Law of Attraction is all around you everywhere so Be a Deliberate Creator and Enjoy your Life it's Meant to be Amazingly Abundant 😊


I absolutely Love Nature. I enjoy being outdoors in the fresh air, natural light, the beautiful sky and being around people. I actual enjoy being outdoors while it's raining it's peaceful to me. When I was a young girl I used to sit outside on the cement barefoot and just sit there. In my own little world just chillin. Sitting in Nature assist me with slowly but surely getting intune with my Higher Self and becoming one with my Intuition again. It's a Blessing and I'm grateful because it's makes me feel good and feeling good is important to me.
-Nelle, Lovelife

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Although everyday may not be Perfect. You can find at least one thing to be Grateful for each day. Having an Attitude of Gratitude, despite whatever your going through can help you get through some really tough times. So many times we lose sight of the little things in life. We tend to take for Granted each breath we take is a Blessing alone. Having the Right Attitude makes a huge difference in the results we see in our lives. Appreciate Each Moment!